High Green Episode 6: Reviving an "American Flyer"

High Green Episode 6: Reviving an "American Flyer"
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Boston & Maine Osgood-Bradley “American Flyer” coach #4590. B&MRRHS Archives.

In the mid-1950s, the Boston & Maine began to modernize their passenger roster with the purchase of the world’s largest fleet of Budd Rail Diesel Cars (RDCs). As a result, much of their conventional passenger equipment was now obsolete. Many of those coaches were sold off or converted to work train service, including the railroad’s recognizable Osgood-Bradley “American Flyer” coaches.

Many of the Osgood-Bradleys found a new home on the Long Island Railroad, serving well into the 1970s and after as storage or work coaches. Today, the Twin Forks Chapter of the NRHS (National Railway Historical Society) has begun work to restore one of these famed coaches, former Boston & Maine #4590. Listen along as chapter president Adam Brower and vice-president Gerard Jewels discuss the project, and how you can get involved!

Twin Forks NRHS: https://www.facebook.com/twinforksnrhs

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/restoration-of-bm-american-flyer-car?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer


High Green Episode 7: Russell F. Munroe, Jr.


High Green Episode 5: Mager Greenough Interview, 1988