Volunteer Opportunities
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The best way to get the most enjoyment out of your B&MRRHS membership is to volunteer for one or more of our activities. You will join a friendly group of active members in advancing the work of the Society and, of course, will learn more about the Boston and Maine Railroad and railroading in New England.
The 410 Committee meets regularly in spring, summer, and fall to continue our ongoing restoration of the B&M 0-6-0 steam switcher No. 410 and coach-baggage combine No. 1244. Volunteers are needed to help with the work and no experience is required. We also need help to man the car on summer weekends when the combine is open to visitors. To volunteer, members should contact Jim Nigzus, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853.
The Archives Committee meets monthly to process, organize, and preserve our growing collection of photographs, records, timetables, and blueprints. No experience is required. To volunteer, members should contact Rick Nowell, fnowell3@gmail.com.
The Hardware Committee is continuing its project of identifying, labeling, cataloging, and preserving our collection of railroad artifacts. No experience is required. To volunteer, members should contact Dan Hyde, hydesicerahd@aol.com.
The Shows Committee needs volunteers to man our tables at railroad shows and other events. The work involves transporting display and sales materials to and from the show, manning our tables, and helping with sales. No experience is required. To volunteer, members should contact Jim Nigzus, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853.
The Online Committee maintains the Society’s Facebook and YouTube pages. They are also responsible for researching, writing, producing, and editing episodes of our web series on Boston & Maine history, Minuteman Tales, and our podcast, High Green. To volunteer, members should email the society at info@bmrrhs.org and specify Online Committee.