ONline Archives

The Online Archives page is divided into a section for BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD and related roads and a section for MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD and related roads. The Boston and Maine section is further divided into Part 1. Reference Materials and Part 2. Railroad Documents.

The linked items below represent only a small part of the materials held in our physical Archives at 40 French Street Lowell. Download our CATALOG. Download our Classification list. Download the GUIDE TO THE B&MRRHS ARCHIVES.

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Added an article on Concord & Manchester Electric Railway operating details, 1904, courtesy of Earl Tuson

Boston and Maine Railroad



Accounting Department 

Contract Bureau

  • Contract Memo 9251-C - Manchester, NH - Repairs to Huse Road bridge over M&L Branch, April 4, 1979.

  • Contract Memo 10596-A - Manchester, NH - Repairs to I-293 bridges over M&L Branch, Feb. 13, 1979.

  • Contract Memo 11015-A - Manchester, NH - Widening I-93 bridges over Portsmouth Branch, Jan. 19, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 12389-A - Manchester, NH - Land tracts near Granite State Packing, Feb. 6, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 12483 - Manchester, NH - Crossings near Foster Grant, Jan. 15, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 12570 - Manchester, NH - Petition for private crossing at Foster Grant, Aug. 18, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 44951-B - Manchester, NH - Concerning use of land at Massabesic Street, Dec. 27, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 54742-C - Manchester, NH - Genest Bros. Bakery, John Danais Co. Inc. sidings, July 27, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 56332-A - Manchester, NH - Electric service for switch heaters, June 11, 1975.

  • Contract Memo 58349 - Manchester, NH - Union Leader utilizing old Central Paper siding, Jan. 7, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 59352-A - Manchester, NH - Work on crossings through the millyard, July 28, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 59574 - Manchester, NH - Maintenance at Grenier Industrial Park, Sept. 15, 1975.

  • Contract Memo 59619 - Manchester, NH - Concerning NH Plastics sidetrack, Jan. 23, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 59619 - Manchester, NH - South End Grain at West Manchester, Jan. 6, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 59735 - Manchester, NH - Lease of railroad land near Beech Street, June 30, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 59735-A - Manchester, NH - Regarding Manchester Paper Supply Co. Inc siding, Aug. 3, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 59746 - Manchester, NH - Concerning Gulf Oil siding at Byron Street, July 28, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 59756 - Manchester, NH - Use of railroad land at Candia Road, Aug. 2, 1976.

  • Contract Memo 59831 - Manchester, NH - Waumbek Mills sewer line installation, Jan. 7, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 59851 - Manchester, NH - City drainage near South Beech Street, Jan. 25, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 59947 - Manchester, NH - Regarding Gulf Oil, May 11, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 59992-A - Manchester, NH - Regarding Manchester Paper Supply Co. Inc siding, Dec. 13, 1977.

  • Contract Memo 60169 - Manchester, NH - Concerning Hussey Molding Co. sidetrack, March 7, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 60178 - Manchester, NH - Land usage petition for Granite State Packing, March 22, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 60209 - Manchester, NH - Concerning American Hoechst Co. sidetrack, May 4, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 60263 - Manchester, NH - Petition for a grade crossing over Valley St. spur, Aug. 28, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 60263-A - Manchester, NH - Petition for a grade crossing over Valley St. spur, May 24, 1979.

  • Contract Memo 60268 - Manchester, NH - City sewer line through Manchester Yard, Aug. 30, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 60288 - Manchester, NH - State rehab of Mammoth Road crossing, Oct. 11, 1978.

  • Contract Memo 60328 - Manchester, NH - Federal funds for Portsmouth Branch crossings, Jan. 8, 1979.

  • Contract Memo 60370-A - Manchester, NH - Concerning NH Plastics track at Manchester Airport, Oct. 12, 1979.

  • Contract Memo 60439 - Manchester, NH - Use of Ledges Yard tracks 5-7 by Sweetheart Plastics, Aug. 6, 1979.

Engineering Department

Executive Department

Corporate History, 1914-16

Finance Department

Legal Department

  • Bill for Derailment at Associated Grocers, Manchester, NH, Sept. 11, 1974

  • Claim for Incorrect Flagging Procedure at Manchester, NH, October 20, 1975

  • Claim of John R. Bangs, Clerk, Manchester Freight Office - January 7, 1974

  • Misuse of Car PLE 006579 at Manchester, NH, Aug. 27, 1974.

  • Petition for a Private Crossing on Valley Street, Manchester, NH, April 28, 1978.

    • Petition for a Private Crossing on Valley Street, Manchester, NH, August 28, 1978.

  • Unpaid Bill to Manchester Water Works, October 5, 1979.

Marketing and Sales. See Traffic Department

Mechanical Department

Operating Department

Public Relations Department

Employees’ Magazine — Complete Issues

Our Service, April 1917 August 1950

Employees’ Magazine - Articles


Standard Plans

Traffic Department

Maine Central Railroad

The Maine Central Railroad had a close relationship with the Boston and Maine Railroad throughout its history. The Eastern Railroad gained control of Maine Central in 1871. B&M leased ERR in 1884 and thereby controlled MEC. When, in 1907, New Haven gained control of the B&M, MEC came into the New Haven sphere. In 1914 a group of investors purchased a controlling interest in MEC from B&M and independence was re-established. This notwithstanding, from 1933 to 1955 the two railroads entered into an agreement to be operated as separate railroads under a common management and shared many general officers. In the Guilford/PanAm and CSX eras the two roads were operated as a single system.

Many of the MEC materials that we present in our On-Line Archives were submitted and scanned by Archives Committee member David Ashenden.


Accident Investigation Reports - Interstate Commerce Commission, Federal Railroad Administration

Accounting Equipment, 1924 (MECRR Magazine)

Annual Reports


Chronology, 2020 (compiled by David Ashenden)

Chronology, 1976 (MEC Messenger)

Employee Magazine

We are grateful to Dick Glueck of the New England Steam Corporation for providing many issues of the MEC Employee Magazine for scanning and for giving us permission to make scans available on our website. Additional issues came from Rick Conard in 2022. Many hours of scanning time were contributed by Archives Committee member David Ashenden. His project of scanning and indexing the magazine is ongoing.

Frankenstein Trestle, Notes on the Name of


Right of Way and Track Maps. See Valuation

Vacationland . 1927

Passenger Equipment

Parlor, Sleeping, and Dining Car Service, 26 June 1916

Postwar Passenger Equipment Roster, by Peter Espy

Pine Tree Flyer. A magazine about Maine railroad history. Six issues were published between 1981 and 1983. Publication was suspended and never resumed.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (1981)

Vol. 1 No. 2 (1982)

Vol. 1 No. 3 (1982)

Vol. 1 No. 4 (1982)

Vol. 2 No. 1 (1982)

Vol. 2 No. 2 (1983)

Rules Review Book, March 1943

Schedule of Valuation Sections (TIFF Image), June 30, 1916

Stations. Handbook of Officers, Agents, Stations and Sidings, 1917. (Digital Commons)


Steam. Early (from R&LHS Bulletin)

Time Tables

Arrival and Departure of Boston and Maine and Maine Central Trains at Portland Union Station, 20 January 1918. (Portland Terminal Company)

Employee Time Table No. 34, Maine Central, Sept. 24, 1922, Eastern Div.

Employee Time Table No. 1, Maine Central, Apr. 30, 1933, System

Employee Time Table No. 2, Maine Central, Jun. 26, 1933, System

Employee Time Table No. 4, Maine Central, Apr. 29, 2934, System

Employee Time Table No. 8, Maine Central, Sept. 29, 1935, System

Employee Time Table No. 8, Maine Central, Supplement No. 2, March 1936

Employee Time Table No. 21, Maine Central, Apr. 27, 1941. Schedules

Employee Time Table No. 21, Maine Central, Apr. 27, 1941. Rules

Employee Time Table No. 22, Portland Terminal Company, Apr. 27, 1930

Official Guide, April 1913, MECRR section

Passenger Time Table, June 23, 1913. Maine Central Part A

Passenger Time Table, June 23, 1913. Maine Central Part B

Passenger Time Table, June 1930. Maine Central Part A

Passenger Time Table, June 1930. Maine Central Part B

Passenger Time Table, April 28, 1946. Maine Central

Passenger Time Table, October 30, 1955. Maine Central

Employee Time Table No. 22, Nov 11, 1973 (Digital File from R. Todd Minsk Collection)

Employee Time Table No. 1, May 14, 1978 (Digital File from R. Todd Minsk Collection)


Right of Way and Track Maps (Valuation Plans, Valmaps, Valplans)

Valuation Sections Index Map, 1916

Valuation Sections, Schedule of, 1916

Valuation Sections, Schedule of, compiled by Robert P. Fuller, 2010