Submitted Modeling Photos
August 9, 2021. Model of Mt. Washington Railway coach built by Roger Hahn. Roger notes, “This is a working model built to 1:22.5 scale. The locomotive was commissioned but the coach was done by me. If you refer to the drawings you will see that my model has 12 windows per side as opposed to the 10 on the drawing. That is because the cog railway added two extra rows of seats around 1931 but left the rest of the design as it was. The model represents what the locomotive and coach looked like in 1951.” Roger used drawings furnished from the Society’s Archives to help him build his model. Digital image taken, submitted, and copyright by Roger Hahn. Photo 2910
Cam Green’s Maine Central Layout
Cam Green submitted photos of his Maine Central layout under construction. It is a double deck design of the Lower Road from Yarmouth Junction to East Augusta. The time frame is the late 1970s.
Heritage State Park Museum, North Adams, Mass.
HO Model of west portal of Hoosac Tunnel. Heritage State Park Museum, North Adams, Mass., June 25, 2016. Photo taken and submitted by Mal Sockol.
Edward J. Ozog's Freight Cars
Lee Turner’S B&M No. 4019 (2-8-4) Class T
Lee Turner nicely weathered this Sunset/Third Rail brass model of an O-Scale 2-8-4. Known as “Limas” on the B&M from the name of their manufacturer, 2-8-4s were called “Berkshires” on the Boston and Albany and just about everywhere else. Photo taken and submitted by Lee Turner. Submitted Oct. 8, 2015. Photo 747
Bernie Brown. White River Junction and Claremont, N.H.
Edward J. Ozog BL2
A Life-Like model of the BL2. Submitted by Edward Ozog, Aug. 16, 2014. Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society Archives digital image. Photo 431
Robert F. Wilner B&M No. 4109
Model of B&M No. 4109 “The Bumble Bee,” (4-8-2) Class R-1. Robert F. Wilner photo. Digital image made from photograph in Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society Archives. Copyright Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, Inc. Photo 424
Jimi Smith, Modeler. Alan LePain, Designer
B&MRRHS Archives Committee members Alan LePain, left, and Jimi Smith pose with Jimi’s model of the Lincoln, Mass. crossing tower at a meeting of the Archives Committee at the B&MRRHS Archives, 40 French St. in Lowell, Mass., March 29, 2014. Alan, a master draftsman, created the plans for the tower, expertly executed by Jimi. Photo 429