Archives Expansion at North Chelmsford
The Society's Archive Collection has expanded recently with the receipt of some large donations. In March we acquired an additional 700 square feet of space at North Chelmsford for additional storage and processing.
March 1, 2018. Here is the space (approx. 700 square feet) as we acquired it. Staff photo.
March 20, 2018. Jim Nigzus builds additional shelving. Many boxes have already been moved into the new space by Jimmy Nigzus, Rick Kfoury, Richard Nichols, and Tim Hairston. Staff photo.
March 31, 2018. Archives work session. Moving crew at left takes a break while scanners keep working. Left to right: Rick Hurst, Mal Sockol, Brad Blodget, Carl Byron, Rick Nowell, Jimi Smith, and Coley Walsh. Dan Hyde photo.
Archives Committee members pause for group shot during work session at North Chelmsford on March 31, 2018. Front row left to right Alan lePain, Rick Hurst, Society President Dan Hyde, Matthew LePain, and Caleb LePain. Back row Jimi Smith, Earl Tuson, Rick Nowell, Jack Madden, Carl Byron, Brad Blodget, Bob Farrenkopf, Coley Walsh, Mal Sockol, and Rick Conard. Alan LePain photo.
March 11, 2018. New shelving built to accommodate expanded Archives Annex. Jim Nigzus was in charge of the work crew that included Dan Hyde, Fred Brown, Jimmy Nigzus, Richard Nichols, and Paul Kosciolek. Staff photo.
March 31, 2018. Archives work session devoted to moving storage boxes into the new space and to trying out our new continuous feed scanner. The scanning crew is pictured here. Left to right: Jimi Smith, Coley Walsh, Jack madden, and Bob Farrenkopf. Dan Hyde photo.
April 8, 2018. Showing the new table built by Jim and Jimmy Nigzus for processing and scanning documents. Note storage shelf below for supplies and wheels with brakes. Hard surface is perfect for many processing tasks. New scanner is at right. Staff photo.