B&MRRHS Holiday Party, 12/22/2022

The Society enjoyed its first official holiday gathering in several years at Roger’s Hall in Lowell, MA on Saturday, December 22, 2022. Many familiar faces (and some new ones) turned out to enjoy presentations, discussions, refreshments, and an exhibit of artifacts from the Society’s Hardware Collection. Program Committee Chairman Mal Sockol gave an entertaining slideshow of images from his rail travels in the western United States. Afterwards, Vice President Rick Kfoury discussed the Boston & Maine’s Budd RDC-2 no. 6212, exhibited one of the 6212’s numberboards, and showed a series of slides showing 6212 on branchline inspection trips in the 1970s. Finally, a Society member showed some slides from his personal collection to close out the presentations. We wish all who attended, and all members of the B&MRRHS, a very happy, healthy, and safe Holiday and Christmas season!