B&MRRHS Releases Latest Book Publication

Author Rick Kfoury with “Queen City Rails”

The B&MRRHS is pleased to announce it has released its latest book publication titled “Queen City Rails: Manchester’s Railroads 1965 - 1990”. The book, authored by B&MRRHS Newsletter Editor and Board of Directors member Rick Kfoury, details the final 25 years of heavy railroad activity in and around Manchester, NH, formerly one of the busiest locations on the B&M. Queen City Rails features mostly color images intermixed with a few black and white from some of the best known collections and photographers in New England. The book (128 pages, softcover) is available in our online store, through the mail, and at train shows where the B&MRRHS is present.


Jonathan Wells and the WN&P Division


David E. Lamson 1940 - 2019