Election Results
B&MRRHS officers, board members, and staff met at Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass., January 14, 2017
Lowell, January 14, 2017 – The results of the election of the 2016-2017 directors and officers were announced at the Society’s meeting at Rogers Hall today. Officers elected were Frederick N. Nowell, III (Rick), President; Paul T. Kosciolek, Vice President and Treasurer; Wayne M. Gagnon, Secretary; and Michael E. Basile, Jr. (Mike), Clerk. All the officers elected had served in the same capacity in 2015-2016.
Two new directors joined the board, Scott Batson and Stephen DeFrancesco (Steve). Two new alternate directors were elected, Richard K. Hurst and Kathy Winiarz. Rick Hurst had previously served as a director and Kathy Winiarz is the Society’s Membership Chairman. Jim Nigzus retired from the board after six years' of faithful and valuable service. The full roster of directors for 2016-17 is as follows: Scott Batson, Carl R. Byron, Stephen DeFrancesco (Steve), Robert Farrenkopf (Bob), David Hampton, Richard K. Hurst (Rick) (alternate), Daniel W. Hyde, Russell F. Munroe (Russ), James Nigzus, Jr. (Jimmy), Mal Sockol, and Kathy Winiarz (alternate).
The counting of ballots had been postponed from the snowed out December meeting.