West Springfield, MA Train SHow

(L to R): Rick Hurst, Paul Kosciolek, Dave Hampton, and James Nigzus man the booth during opening day on Saturday. Rick Kfoury photo.

WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA - The B&MRRHS made its annual appearance at the Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show in West Springfield, MA on January 25th and 26th . Sales were brisk with copies of the newly remastered DVD version of the “Films of Robert Chaffin” and the new Historical Society of Cheshire County books “Iron Roads of the Monadnock Region” proving extremely popular. Among the crowds were many old and new friends, and it was great to put a face to many of the names that have appeared on Facebook and that have come over to us through email over the last year. A great many joined as members or renewed their membership; to you we say hello! A big thank you goes out to all who volunteered to help the Society at the show; Jim and James Nigzus, Donald and Dave Hampton, Paul Kosciolek, Rick Kfoury, Carl Byron, Steve DeFrancesco, Bill Marnik, Andrew Wilson, Mal Sockol, and Rick Hurst.


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