410 and Combine No. 1244 Project Log

November 2021. Acquired additional seats and luggage rack from Vermont Rail.

2021. Repainted exterior of the combine.

June 30, 2018. The following work has been completed in the B&M Combine #1244. Repaired & replaced broken glass windows. Repainted the floor in the combine. Replaced a number of HO-scale switches & added detail to buildings on the operating layout through the efforts of the Hardware Committee.

April 2018. Lighting repaired by National Park Service in the area around 410 and combine. Replacement cylinder covers to be fabricated by Kelly Sheet Metal Company of Lowell. 

November 2017. Painted the tender and new running boards. Replaced the floor in the combine's bathroom. Replaced broken windows in locomotive and combine.

October 1, 2016. The work crew took advantage of a rainy day to work on some improvements to the combine. In the coach section Dan Hovey installed a period globe light and removed track lighting. In the baggage section new molding fabricated by Sandy Shepherd was installed to match the existing millwork. Scott Batson is still looking for a sight glass to install in the 410's cab. If you have any ideas contact Scott at scott_batson@verizon.net.

July 30, 31, 2016. Lowell Folk Festival brings 1620 visitors to the 410 and combine.

June 18, 2016. Three windows on the combine were replaced; three new frames were rebuilt, re-glazed, rebuilt and re-painted. A steel plate on rear of tender was removed for replacement. New paint applied to tender.

June 13, 2016.  At two recent sessions seats donated by Vermont Rail System were installed in the combine by Fred Brown, Dan Hyde, and Jim Nigzus (Sr.). A plaque to commemorate the gift by VRS was also installed and "thank you" letter sent to VRS. New decking installed at one end and the area exterior painted. Scott Batson is researching sources for steam gauges and a sight glass for No. 410's cab.

May 30, 2016.  The Society has received the first installment on its grant of $3,000 presented with the W. Russell Rylko award from the Mystic Valley Railway Society at their meeting on May 7.  The grant will be used for the purchase and installation of various cab hardware, to build engineer's and fireman's seats, and to fabricate a curtain in the 410's cab.

Spring 2004. Due to the continuing maintenance issues with the top of the tender and coal storage area, a large very low-profile roof was put over the coal area. Steel trusses were installed on the tender and were covered with two layers of plywood and then a rubber roof was installed over the entire unit. This new cover will help preserve the tender from the ravages of winter weather. This was a very large undertaking.

January 17-18, 1993. No. 410 arrives in Lowell, courtesy Guilford Transportation, now PanAm, and is lifted by MBTA crane to adjacent track.